Mineral fertilizers

Ammonium nitrate (AN) Ферт Бул

Ammonium nitrate (AN)

The ammonium nitrate is the most common nitrogen fertilizer with a total nitrogen content of 34.4%. It is the fastest acting granulated nitrogen fertilizer suitable for feeding all types of crops.

Because of its digestible shape, it quickly degrades and provides the nitrogen that the plants need.

Research has shown that plants typically use 35% to 50% of the nitrogen inserted with fertilizers. About 20-30% of the active nitrogen is immobilized by soil microorganisms.

Carbamide (Urea) Ферт Бул

Carbamide (Urea)

Carbamide (UREA) is a nitrogenous fertilizer with a high content of active substance - 46.6%.

The interaction of the product with the soil environment occurs in a very different way compared to Ammonium nitrate. With the release of the active substance from the carbamide, in order to reach the most accessible form for the plants, the nitrogen passes through the three most important processes associated with its capture and fixation: ammonification, nitrification, denitrification.

Ammonium sulfate (AS) Ферт Бул

Ammonium sulfate (AS)

Ammonium Sulfate (AS) is a nitrogen-sulfur fertilizer. It contains 21% nitrogen and 24% sulfur. It is a chemically neutral crystalline white fertilizer that is well soluble in water and does not solidify. It provides optimal growth and high yields. Sulfur is one of the main nutrients for plants and it is part of the composition of proteins and amino acids.

Ammonium sulfate is an excellent source of sulfur. It is easily and completely absorbed by the plants. This makes it extremely suitable for both basic and spring fertilization.

The product is important for soil nutrition as the low sulfur content in the soil can significantly reduce the effect of fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Ammonium sulphate is used for almost all crops. Beneficial effects on rape, corn, potatoes, vegetables and others. Suitable for soils with high content of carbonates.

Calcium-ammonium nitrate (CAN) Ферт Бул

Calcium-ammonium nitrate (CAN)

Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) is a high-efficiency nitrogen fertilizer, part of the group of the granulated nitrogen fertilizers, and it ensures that plants are supplied with nitrogen.

The nitrate form of the Nitrogen is easily absorbed by the plant and is absorbed excessively quickly, with nutrient loss minimal. This increases yields compared to fertilizers containing the amide form of the Nitrogen.

The Calcium ammonium nitrate is water-soluble and therefore is a fast-acting fertilizer. It can be applied to all soil types. It acidifies the soil at least in comparison with all other fertilizers. It is used as a substitute for the ammonium nitrate.

Liquid nitrogen fertilizer (UAN) Ферт Бул

Liquid nitrogen fertilizer (UAN)

Liquid nitrogen fertilizer is the most precise solution for nitrogen feed. Suitable for almost all types of crops, liquid nitrogen fertilizer is a universal solution for the modern farmer.

The liquid nitrogen fertilizer has a total active substance content of 32%. It can be applied throughout the vegetation. Due to its specific qualities, it can be applied to pre-sowing, vegetative and replenishing feeds.

The application of this nitrogen fertilizer requires precise meteorological conditions and strict adherence to the recommended fertilizer norm. Exact application technology is extremely important to avoid phytotoxicity.

Liquid nitrogen fertilizer (UAN) + S Ферт Бул

Liquid nitrogen fertilizer (UAN) + S

Liquid nitrogen fertilizer with sulfur (UAN 28% + S 5%).

This product combines the positive qualities of three different nitrogen fertilizers - Ammonium nitrate, Carbamide and Ammonium thiosulphate - all the advantages of the liquid nitrogen fertilizer in combination with sulfur. This makes it a unique product that can give the best start to any culture. It is applicable not only to massive field crops, but also to vegetable production, perennials, vines, etc.

Phosphoric fertilizers

Triple superphosphate Ферт Бул

Triple superphosphate

Triple superphosphate is a highly concentrated phosphorus fertilizer containing 46% diphosphorus pentoxide (P2O5).

Helps accelerate the growth and the development of the root system, increases the resistance of plants to freezing, helps to fully absorb soil moisture, thus reducing the likelihood of damage to plants during periods of drought. It is not hygroscopic and has a granular form with flattened granules, which makes application by the fertilizing technique very precise.

Potassium fertilizers

Potassium chloride Ферт Бул

Potassium chloride

CONTENT: K2O - 60%

Potassium chloride is the most common form of potassium fertilizers, 100% natural product in the form of granules - red in color, treated with anti-compaction ingredients and very good solubility.

Potassium is a quality element that helps to absorb other nutrients more fully. Well supplied with potassium plants are resistant to drought, frost and other stressful situations. In cereals, for example, potassium-bearing plants have thickened cell walls, which increases their resistance to fungal diseases and attack by pests.

It is mainly applied to the main soil treatment in the autumn. In lighter soils is used in the spring.

Potassium sulphate Ферт Бул

Potassium sulphate

CONTENT: K2O - 50%

Potassium sulphate is the most widely used potassium fertilizer in the world with a minimum content of chlorine. This fertilizer is versatile, suitable for all soils. Recommended for crops more sensitive to chlorine - potatoes, tobacco, vineyards, vegetables, berries, citrus, flowers. Potassium sulphate is especially suitable for fertilizing crops in need of more sulfur - rape, sunflower, rice, cabbage, legumes. It is introduced in autumn and spring with the main soil treatment, pre-sowing and during vegetation.

Nitrogen-phosphorous fertilizers

Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) Ферт Бул

Monoammonium phosphate (MAP)

Monoammonium phosphate (MAP or ammophos) is a complex, highly concentrated, without ballast, water-soluble mineral fertilizer. It is not hygroscopic and has a granular form with flattened granules, which is why it disperses evenly over the soil surface. It contains two main nutrients - 11% nitrogen (N) and 52% phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) or a total of 63% active substance, making it easily digestible by plants. The scarcity of phosphorus has a negative impact on color formation, seeds and fruits, which leads to lower yields. Monoammonium phosphate is suitable for fertilizing all soils and crops. Because it is water-soluble, it has the qualities of fast-acting phosphorous fertilizer, and the weak phosphorus mobility in the soil allows it to be used for basic, stocking and periodic fertilization.

Diammonium phosphate (DAP) Ферт Бул

Diammonium phosphate (DAP)

Diammonium phosphate (DAP or diamophos) is a complex, highly concentrated, granular mineral fertilizer with excellent physical properties. It contains two essential nutrients - 18% nitrogen (N) and 46% phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) or a total of 64% active substance. It is obtained by reaction between phosphoric acid (P2O5) and ammonia (NH3). This high-quality product is easily introduced into the soil, it is non-hygroscopic, and has a granular form with even-sized granules, and is therefore evenly distributed over the soil surface.

Diammonium phosphate is used for pre-sowing fertilization of winter and spring crops under irrigation conditions. Suitable for fertilizing soils rich in potassium. Because it is water-soluble, it has the properties of a fast-acting phosphorous fertilizer suitable for application to acidic soils, and the poor phosphorus mobility in the soil allows it to be used for basic, stockpiling and periodic fertilization.

Combined fertilizers

NPK 15:15:15 ЕО ТОР Ферт Бул

NPK 15:15:15 ЕО ТОР

NPK 15:10:15 ЕО ТОР Ферт Бул

NPK 15:10:15 ЕО ТОР

NPK 20:10:10 ЕО ТОР Ферт Бул

NPK 20:10:10 ЕО ТОР

NP 16:20 + 13 S Ферт Бул

NP 16:20 + 13 S

NPK 14:14:14 + 11,5 S Ферт Бул

NPK 14:14:14 + 11,5 S

NPK 16:16:8 Ферт Бул

NPK 16:16:8

NPK fertilizers are complex, highly efficient combined fertilizers with chemically integrated macro and secondary nutrients in the granule grating. They are made on the basis of monoammonium phosphate by neutralization of nitric and phosphoric acid and addition of potassium salts. After granulation, they are covered with a water-soluble magnesium oxide layer of MgO and sulfur trioxide SO3 in order to control the rate of release of nutrients.

Compared to conventional fertilizers, multilayer sulfur fertilizers offer greater flexibility in determining the pattern of action on different crops. The balanced nutrient content ensures consistent, effective release of the necessary amounts of nutrients to fully meet the needs of plants at each stage of their development. The use of NPK fertilizers ensure maximum effective use of resources and ensures full, balanced supply of nutrients.

NPK fertilizers are stored in closed, cold and dry warehouses. Heat and mixing with water are not desirable. They are transported packaged or bulk form.

Compared to conventional fertilizers, along with the presence of macro and micro elements, the advantages of multi-layer sulfur fertilizers when applied in a suitable feed scheme with regard to the particular crop type, soil type, microclimate, etc. are: